⚡ Flash Deals! ⚡

⚡ Flash Deals! ⚡

5% Discount for Military!

Voucher Code: MILITARY5

As a military member, you likely work long hours with very little downtime! That makes it difficult to plan a well-coordinated trip. Combine the time-saving simplicity of our trips with some added extra savings, and that's an ideal match for your next solo trip.

That being said, we are thrilled to offer a well-deserved 5% off any booking to all past and current military members.

To save 5% on your first booking, enter voucher code MILITARY5 in the voucher code field during checkout.

Terms & Conditions

Military Discount cannot be combined with any other deals or promotions, including the Multi-Tour Discount (available when booking 2 or more tours).

Must email a copy of military licence or identification card within 24 hours after booking.

Offer only applies to new deposits and cannot be redeemed on a previous remaining balance.

Coupon code must be entered at checkout to redeem this offer.