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My highlight from the volunteer experience was swimming at the beach with all the kids. The biggest impact my volunteering trip had on me was seeing how grateful and happy all the kids and people in Fiji are all the time even though they don’t have much makes me realise how much we take for granted. My advice is just do it it’s a lifetime experience you’ll never forgot and you’ll want to do it again .

Gemma Hewson

Getting to know and helping the community, as well as experiencing such a unique culture I'd never before seen was my favourite moment. The program had the biggest impact on my view on the world, and just how different some places can be. My advice is definitely volunteer, since you're helping people who need it most, and it's an overall great experience.

Ryan Stonich

Volunteering for 2 weeks in Palawan was definitely a decision well made. The people I met and the knowledge I acquired from the environmental program will come along with me. I will also cherish the quiet moments, conversations and karaoke nights for as long as I live. This is a great place to humble yourself and to serve others in whatever way you can. Maraming salamat po!

Nora Omosura

I loved the family feel with all the local team coordinators as I felt safe, heard, and accommodated for. My favorite moment from the volunteer experience was interacting with the children and teachers.

Taylor Santos

The organization of the trip was super good. The trip has been very active - we have seen and experienced a lot. Nevertheless, we could pull back and do our own thing if we wanted to. I would like to give special praise to our group leader Mike Mazurkiewicz. He was very well organized, always very nice and polite and also very interesting as a personality. I can definitely recommend this trip!


Meeting and getting to know all the other volunteers from over the world and getting to teach the grade 5s was my favorite moment. The impact my volunteering trip had on me was meeting the locals in Bali and learning about their culture and customs. Everyone is extremely welcoming and open to getting to know each other.

Bethany Ta

This is an incredibly enjoyable experience that I hope has made an impact on the local community and wildlife. I wish I could have stayed longer as It began to feel like family. I hope one day to come back and visit.

Jessica Morris

My experience in Zanzibar was quite unique. I discovered a paradise-like island with white sand beatches and blue water. But what I remember the most was the people of Zanzibar: the nicest persons I have never met. They are so friendly and adorable, always smiling, singing a nice song with "Hakuna Matata" or dancing, in brief enjoying life. You will be part of the local life very easily with them.

I definitly recommend this experience !


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