⚡ Flash Deals! ⚡

⚡ Flash Deals! ⚡

5% Discount for Students!

Voucher Code: STUDENT5

Students love the time-saving simplicity of our tours, and we love to travel with all you students! If we're being honest, you are often the wildest, most curious adventurers among us (the only way to travel, and we 100% approve).

As such, we are thrilled to offer all students 5% off any booking. You put in the hard work during the year, and we hope this makes it a little bit easier to book some well-deserved travels.

To save 5% on your first booking, enter voucher code STUDENT5 in the voucher code field during checkout.

Terms & Conditions

Student Discount cannot be combined with any other deals or promotions, including the Multi-Tour Discount (available when booking 2 or more tours).

Booking must be made with a valid university or school email address.

Offer only applies to new deposits and cannot be redeemed on previous remaining balance.

Coupon code must be entered at checkout to redeem this offer.